William Byrd spring sports teams began practices last week with the season due to begin the week of March 14. The Terriers have several scrimmages and jamborees in the coming week as they prepare for the coming season.
On Saturday Byrd will be playing in a baseball jamboree at Salem’s Kiwanis Field. Salem and Northside will open the action at 10 am, followed by Northside and Pulaski County at noon. Pulaski will stay on the field to play Byrd at 2 pm, and the day ends with the Terriers against Salem at 4 pm.
In Vinton, the same four schools will play a jayvee jamboree. The schedule is the same, only a half hour earlier for all scrimmages with the host Terriers playing Pulaski at 1:30 pm and Salem at 3:30 pm.
Tuesday, March 8, both lacrosse teams have scrimmages against Patrick Henry with the boys at home and the girls at PH. A day later the softball team has their first scrimmage at Auburn.
On March 10, the lacrosse teams will play a preseason doubleheader. The girls will host Lord Botetourt’s new club team at 5:30 pm, followed by the boys against William Fleming at 7:15 pm at Patterson Stadium.
The final day of preseason action is a big one for Byrd as the baseball team is at Altavista and five other teams scrimmage Glenvar. The girls tennis team, the softball team and the girls’ soccer team will host the Highlanders in Vinton while the boys tennis and soccer teams play at Glenvar.