By Debbie Adams
Vinton’s Trick or Treat 2023 brought a huge crowd of costumed visitors to the downtown area
on Oct. 26. The annual event is sponsored by the Vinton Area Chamber of Commerce, the Town
of Vinton, and local businesses, churches, and organizations (including some not located
downtown who set up at the Municipal Building and nearby). The unofficial estimate is that
about 3,000 were in attendance—the largest ever for this event.
Downtown Trick or Treat in Vinton is a tradition spanning decades, and one of Vinton’s most
popular events.
Winners are chosen in several categories each year. The new Pollard 107 South restaurant took
first place in the Storefront category.
Medicare Ken and the Barbies from Creative Occasions were awarded first place in Business
Groups, followed by the M & M’s from HomeTrust Bank, in second.
Individual costume winners were Rainbow Girl in first place and Zombie Girl in second.
Superheroes, villains, and Barbies seemed to be the favorite costumes among children this year,
along with quite a few witches and princesses.
Each year town staff chooses a coordinated costume theme—this year they were dressed as
characters from the Wizard of Oz.