After finishing 10th in the Big Blue Invitational in Christiansburg last week the Big Orange wrestlers from William Byrd are in the Big Red this weekend. Byrd will compete in the Big Red individual tournament at Riverheads High School on Saturday.
The Big Red, in Staunton, is the last tournament for the Terriers before the post-season. Byrd was scheduled to host Northside and Franklin County on Wednesday in a tri-match in Vinton.
Last weekend the Orange were among 18 teams competing in Christiansburg, down from 22 after four dropped due to last week’s snowstorm. That also trimmed the Big Blue from a two day tournament to a one day deal, all on Saturday. Staunton River High was the winner, unseating the host team that tied Washington High of West Virginia for second place as Byrd took 10th.
The Terriers’ top finish was a second place by Xavier Preston at 160 pounds. Xavier was injured while winning his semifinal match and was not able to wrestle in the final.
Aiden Lucas and Hunter Richards both took thirds for Byrd, Lucas at 195 and Richards at heavyweight. Dominic Pascoe was fourth at 120, Bricen Lancaster and Logan Stroop both took sixth place medals and Alex Reamey was eighth.

“Coming off of a snow week is tough and I thought a majority or our guys handled that well,” said coach Thomas Kessler. “We were only allowed to practice the day before the tournament due to the snow and ice.”