Vinton Girl Scout Troop 94 held its annual Pinewood Derby on April 28 at Thrasher Memorial United Methodist Church.
First place winner was Brownie Caelen Reed; second place went to Brownie Susannah Booth; Daisy Sophie Fielder placed third. Fourteen girls participated in this year’s event.
Scout leader Stefanie Hawkins said that, in addition to the regular competition, there was a sibling run as well, with four brothers, followed by a brother versus sister race.
The Pinewood Derby was followed by a spaghetti dinner.
Troop 94 has several special events coming up. The girls will be participating in the 63rd annual Dogwood Festival Parade on April 28.
On Saturday, May 5, from 2 to 4 p.m., they are hosting their first annual Mother-Daughter Tea at Thrasher Memorial in the old fellowship hall. The event is open to the public. RSVP to vintongstroop94@gmail.com or call 540-383-9367.
The troop will be spending the weekend of May 18-20 camping at Camp Icimani.
Their annual Bridging Awards Ceremony and Banquet is scheduled for June 2 in the gym at Thrasher.
The girls are also doing a Penny Drive to raise money to purchase needed supplies for Angels of Assisi with a goal of $300. This project will enable the Girl Scouts to earn their Philanthropy badge.
Several summer camp opportunities are available.
Troop 94 meets weekly in the old fellowship hall at Thrasher on Thursdays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.