The Reindeer Club at William Byrd High School is assisting Virginia Blood Services in sponsoring a community blood drive, “Thanks for Giving,” at the Vinton Library on November 25 (the Saturday after Thanksgiving) from 9 a.m. until 12 noon. They are also sponsoring an in-house blood drive at the high school on November 17.
“One important detail is that every presenting donor helps contribute points towards a scholarship fund for WBHS students,” said faculty advisor Ed Donahue.
The bloodmobile will be set up at the library located at 300 South Pollard Street in downtown Vinton. Donors are asked to sign up at the front desk of the library or to register online at https://donateblood.vablood.org.
Appointments are preferred, but walk-ins are welcome as well.
All participating donors will receive a long-sleeve “Tacky Holiday T-Shirt” while supplies last.
Virginia Blood Services advises those who plan to donate at the blood drive to “prepare for your donation— eat well; stay hydrated, and bring an ID.”