The Vinton First Aid Crew sent their First Aid Competition Team to the annual state First
Responder Virginia Conference in Virginia Beach from Sept. 18-22. They came home with a
second-place finish in the Advanced Life Support Competition—competing against teams from
all over the state.
The conference is sponsored by the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue
Squads (VAVRS) and the Virginia State Firefighter’s Association (VSFA). Team members
included Brandan Arthur, Dave Jones, Orlando Martinez, Kinsey Johnson, and Katie Lucas.
Competitions like this are another way VFAC members sharpen their skills in order to provide
excellent patient care.

accepted the VFAC trophy for the team for second place in the Advanced Life Support

Have you ever wondered what it takes to become an EMT and what they do? Stop by their “Meet
the Crew” Open House on October 19 from noon to 4 p.m. This free event is an opportunity to
acquire some CPR and First Aid training, as well as just a chance to meet some members, see
their equipment, and ask some questions.
The VFAC is hosting a fundraising “Breakfast with Santa” at the station on December 14 from 9
to 11 a.m. Tickets must be purchased in advance on the Eventbrite site at
1023021253107?aff=oddtdtcreator. Space is limited so be sure to purchase your tickets soon.
To learn more about the Vinton First Aid Crew visit their Facebook page at
~Submitted by Steve Thrasher, VFAC Vice President and Public Information Officer