by Bootie Chewning

Lots went on last week at the Chamber of Commerce and WBHS. Angie Chewning and Kathryn Sowers were finishing up a busy month. The Vinton Christmas Parade and delivery and open house, plus all the other duties make for a fun-filled but tiring month. Thank you for all you two do for the chamber and to the board members that help.
Thanks to all that dropped by to celebrate the year and Christmas; great seeing Kim Horn and Mom Carolyn Williams. Welcome home to Kim!
Last week was a great week at WBHS – awesome door decorations (all winners), lots of work goes into them, holiday hat day and Christmas movie favorite characters. In pictures are Coach Royal (rabbit – A Christmas Story), Dee Ann Dillon (Grinch), and Tom Kessler and Rusty Galbreath (Christmas Vacation, I’m sure you recognize them, LOL). And of course, ugly sweater day with the winner Coach Royal, with a Christmas tree attached, and leggings on, which looked so cute. Plus, Ruth Overfelt, Bootie and Nikki Booth at Santa Land and the Guidance Counselors. It is just so great seeing all the administration and teachers and students all get caught up in the spirit. Makes for fun and memorable times at school. Yes, things like this are what a lot will remember. Merry Christmas to all!
Congrats and Happy Anniversary to Millard “Bill” and Florence “Flo” Settle, 60 years (a lot of students will remember Flo as their bus driver, they loved her), Chuck and Mickey Lionberger, Adam and Rebecca Reynolds, 12 years, and Travis and Allison Newcomb, 3 years. May you have all many more together.

Happy Birthday to all having birthday this past week and to my Granddaughter Abbie Bell Lewis, who turned 18 years old, can’t believe it! Love her.
Get Well wishes and prayers go out to Megann Reynolds (ankle surgery), Dennis Cummings (will be having another back surgery Jan 3.), Hope Fralin (recovering from back surgery), Patty Reynolds (doing better), Cathy Lafferty (is receiving infusion for MS, trial basis, hope it works, prayers there), Richard Turner (foot surgery and will have another, but is recouping now from the first), Steve Thompson (doing better), Ann Davis (surgery today), Sam Cundiff (home) and Amy Boush (surgery last Thursday). To all having health problems, take care of yourselves and get well soon.
Christmas Eve services at Thrasher UMC will be at 5 and 7:30. And at most churches; check for their times.
Only four more days and Santa will be coming. Hope you all have been nice and not naughty! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!