The Star City Promenaders stopped by the Vinton Farmers’ Market Stage on September 9 to invite the community to participate in some free lessons in square and line dancing.
Vinton Special Programs Director Mary Beth Layman said the Star City Promenaders took note of the events going on this summer at the Vinton Farmers’ Market and called to offer a couple of demonstration dance and audience participation dates.
“I was delighted to have them participate” said Layman. “They have been awesome to work with. They are enthusiastic, kind and self-sufficient.”
Several patrons shopping at the Farmers’ Market across the street took them up on their offer.
Free dances for everyone will be held on September 21 and 28 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Woodman Life Family Center (formerly the Woodmen of the World Building) at 2306 Peters Creek Road.
New classes in Modern Western Square Dance get under way on October 5 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the same location. Paul Booze will be calling the dances. He has been working with the Star City Promenaders and the Botetourt Swingers since 1994. He also calls at the Virginia State Square Dance Convention.
Individuals, couples and all ages are welcome in what is a fun event for the entire family, who can enjoy a fun hobby together. No experience is necessary.
According to the Star City Promenaders, “Square dancing is a party time every time. It brings people together for fun and fellowship, even when learning how. The fun starts on the very first night. You meet new people and make new friends. It’s a wonderful way to share common interests with other people and to escape the worry and pressures of today’s world.”
They also see square dancing as a mental and physical challenge, involving dancing, thinking, and teamwork. “You can’t do it alone. Your team of eight dancers depends on you to keep moving. Keeping time with the music keeps you physically fit. Reacting quickly to the square dance calls keep you mentally on your toes.
“It’s no longer your father’s dance routine,” they say. “There are new dance steps, patterns that keep changing, and unique calls to learn. No more rough dancing in the barn.”
Some of their music choices are unique. In addition to traditional hoedown tunes, there are Golden Oldies, and everything from Elvis to the Beach Boys, from the classics to current hits.
The Star City Promenaders will also demonstrate and invite audience participation at the Vinton Fall Festival coming up on October 14.
For more information, call 905-5889 or 992-3958.