PEOPLE, PLACES AND THINGS by Bootie Bell Chewning

Photo by Julie Vranches
You know it’s prom night when you look around and all the young girls turn into princesses and the young men look like Prince Charming.
What an honor and a thrill to find out that my granddaughter, Abbie Bell Lewis, would be wearing one of my gowns I wore to emcee Vinton’s Junior Miss maybe 30 years ago. Yes, it is vintage, as they say now. LOL. Can’t remember being that small. She got a lot of nice compliments on it and Nana Boo is sure proud of her. All the girls and guys looked fantastic for the prom and had a great time. Thanks to all those that worked so hard to pull it all together.
Special thanks to Deborah Alvord, my niece from Cary, N.C., who was my traveling buddy on the trip to LA for Debbie Reynolds’ and Carrie Fisher’s memorial service. She knows how to plan a trip and was a fantastic driver in all that horrible traffic in LA. Thank you, Deborah, love you!
Miss Virginia contestants and Outstanding Teen are more than just pretty faces– they have hearts and are willing to help others. Last Saturday morning, they were up at 6 a.m. ready for the task at hand. They teamed up with Renovation Alliance and were helping hands at three different houses and the people were so great appreciative.
Happy Birthday wishes go out to Cherry Bell, Walt Hodges Manuel, Alberto DeBobe, Dana Dickerson, Debbie Obenchain, Tom Dickerson, Joyce Ferguson, Lisa S. Whitfield, Melissa Barton, Judy Foutz, Brenda Foutz, Charlie Poff, Donna Woolfolk, Scott Graham, Debbie Bass, Mary J. Owens, Sharon D. Patton, Tim Milliron, Amy Morris, McKenna Luzynski, Norma Ellis, Jeff Howell, Belinda West, Jessica West, Sharon Myers. R.J. Ragland, Dan Vance, Danny Cruff, Bernard Eden, Darren Yeatts, Neil Trigg, Susan Lewis, Danielle Foutz, Bonnie Bailey and Tiffany McCormack.
Happy Anniversary and Congrats – Pete and Betty Kelly, 55years, Kayla’n and Ian Thompson, 4 years, Dana B. and Tim Doss, 30 years. May you all have many more years together.
Get Well wishes and prayers go out to Melanie Vest (surgery Tuesday), Leslie Clemmer (doing better), Lauren Newcomb (surgery Tuesday), and Dan Glass (emergency eye surgery Tuesday).Hope all are better soon.