By Debbie Adams
The new Lighthouse Christian Academy (LHCA) will be opening on August 11, 2022, at Lighthouse Bible Church in Vinton. The church is located at 2500 East Washington Avenue near William Byrd High School. The school has been established to provide Christian education and to fulfill the Great Commission by “educating students in a Biblical worldview.”
LHCA is now enrolling for the 2022-2023 school year. The school is open to everyone— you need not be a member of Lighthouse Bible Church to attend.
The private Christian school will be serving students from Pre-K through sixth grade this year, with plans for adding another grade level in each year of operation to allow students who begin their education at the school to continue through high school. Their original plan was to enroll Pre-K through fifth grade students this first year, but they received so much interest from the community that they have added sixth grade in this opening year.
There are currently slots for preschool (ages 3-4) full-day students, as well as in grades K-6.

Kathy Barton is the School Administrator. She returned to school to earn her Master’s degree with an endorsement in Administration and Supervision for PreK-12th grades when discussion of opening the school began and is now in charge of the program.
“We desire to meet the needs of all students by helping them reach their fullest potential spiritually, academically, personally, and socially through partnering with parents and families to help them become productive citizens in our community and our world,” Barton says.
The school’s mission is simply “JOY – Love Jesus, Serve Others, Shine Your Light to the World.”
Lighthouse Christian Academy is accredited through the Association for Christian Teachers and Schools (ACTS). Its instructors are ACTS certified. Currently there are two preschool teachers and two teachers for grades K-6, and an instructional assistant. Barton will be working as a teacher, as well. More instructors will be added as enrollment increases.
Barton says the church housed a school several years ago and the desire to include a school in their ministry “never really went away.”
Almost two years ago, Barton presented a plan to the Elder Board for reestablishing the school, which was approved. Then 98 % of the church voted in favor of the proposal. A School Board with nine members was formed in the fall of 2021 and now the school is ready to open this August.
“I think people see a real need in our community to share the love of Christ with children, starting at an early age,” Barton said.
The school’s capacity will be up to 100 students, although they expect to open with about 30. Class sizes will be small to provide individual attention.
The school will be known as the Home of the Lighthouse Chariots, with the chariot wheel as their mascot. The inner workings of a lighthouse rely on a “chariot wheel” to rotate the lenses. This symbol will represent being the “light of the world.”
Barton says the benefits of a Christian education are that students focus on learning their purpose in life. She says that public schools do a great job academically, but a Christian education is able “to give peace and hope in a sometimes-chaotic world. A Christian education helps students know who they are in Christ.”
The school is considered an outreach ministry of the church. Students will be attending weekly chapel services with the church’s pastors and elders.
Barton says that LHCA will closely follow the Roanoke County Schools calendar; they also open on August 11. Hours will be from 7:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Students may be dropped off beginning at 7:30 a.m.
There will be no transportation provided in the first year. Parents/families will drop off and pick up. There is an afterschool program available from 2:45 to 6 p.m. for those attending LHCA.
LHCA is located in the two buildings that make up Lighthouse Bible Church. In addition to classrooms, there is a gym (the sanctuary), a playground, a huge outdoor pavilion, a chapel, and a new and growing library in what usually serves as the youth area. Library materials were donated by a school in Lynchburg that was closing.
The kitchen area is limited at present so students will be packing lunches—although the staff is planning special lunch days, collaborating with local restaurants.
The school will be teaching a standard curriculum supplemented by materials from Christian publishers – BJU press and Purposeful Designs. These are PreK through 6th publications, rigorous academically, but supplemented with a Biblical foundation.
Through direct instruction or in small, cooperative learning groups and hands-on activities, students will learn to problem solve and think critically.
A typical school day at LHCA will include a mixture of academics (reading, writing, spelling, math, social studies, and science) paired with STEM and STEAM learning activities, a focus on the arts, time for socialization and physical education– all from a Christian perspective. Liberty University has donated several computers to the academy for student use. There will be field trips and holiday celebrations.
“We stand for the pledge of allegiance to the Bible, the Christian flag and the American flag. We honor diversity because God created us all with a purpose and a plan in His image,” the school leadership says.
Students in grades kindergarten and up will be spending one hour each week completing unique “Purpose Projects,” based on the concept of “Genius Hour.” Time will be devoted to working on projects they are interested in or passionate about, in a structured process requiring research, in order to discover, “What is my purpose in life; what can I give back to my community?”
Students at LHCA will not be doing SOL testing, although they will be assessed to ensure they are progressing through the Iowa Test of Basic Skills.
LHCA has held several fundraisers in recent months. Another one is coming up in mid-October– a mystery dinner theatre. The title is “Just Desserts.” The plot involves the judge of a bake-off who drops dead while tasting the sweet treats. This is an audience-participation mystery.
Lighthouse Christian Academy will be holding an open house on August 9 to meet with parents. Children are also welcome to attend.
LHCA will thoughtfully be hosting a “Tears and Cheers” breakfast for parents on the opening day of school to help them through what is often a poignant experience in sending children off to school for the first time or anytime.
Barton says that the school recently underwent a “threat assessment” conducted by Virginia State Troopers and is in the process of adding security cameras in the parking lot and throughout the facility to insure student safety.
For more information on Lighthouse Christian Academy visit their website at https://lhcavinton.org/ or their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/lhcavinton/. Tuition rates and applications are available online. (LHCA tuition will be comparable to other Christian schools in the area.) You can also reach them by phone at 540-890-3304 or email info@lhcavinton.org.
Tuition assistance is available through RenewaNation based on eligibility. Information on completing an application may be found on the LHCA website. LHCA is also recruiting substitute teachers. Those interested can use the same contact information listed above.