By Debbie Adams
Members of the Vinton Breakfast Lions Club, the William Byrd High School Leo Club
(sponsored by the Breakfast Lions), and the WBHS Terriers girls soccer team celebrated Read
Across America Day at Herman L. Horn Elementary School on March 1. Another group of
students was scheduled to read to students at Bonsack Elementary on March 6.

Club and students from the Leo Club and girls soccer team at William Byrd High School
celebrated Read Across America Day at Herman L. Horn Elementary. From left are: front, Zach
McCarty, Sydney Blewett, Addisyn St. Clair, Eva Brown, Claire Glover, Peggy Stovall, and Jeff
Mason; back row, Chris McCarty, John Berry, Hal Mabe, Tim Greenway, Mayor Brad Grose,
and Jeff Stovall. (photos by Debbie Adams)
Read Across America Day was launched in 1998 by the National Education Association and
remains the nation’s largest celebration of reading, with millions participating each year. The
program focuses on motivating children and teens to read through events, partnerships, and
reading resources that are about everyone, for everyone. Read Across America Day calls upon
everyone to read and engage with children to make reading a more fun and interactive
The nationwide celebration that takes place annually near the March 2 birthday of children's
author and cartoonist Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known by his pen name, Dr. Seuss. The day
encourages children to experience the joys of reading.
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more
places you’ll go,” Geisel said in one of his books.
March was also chosen for the observance because March is traditionally designated as National
Reading Month.
Members of the Vinton Breakfast Lions Club who read to students at Herman L. Horn
Elementary included John Berry, Jeff Stovall, Peggy Stovall, Chris McCarty, Jeff Mason, Zach
McCarty, Tim Greenway, Hal Mabe, and Brad Grose.

The Breakfast Lions were joined by student athletes and Leo Club members from the William
Byrd High School including Eva Brown, Sydney Blewett, Claire Glover, Addisyn St. Clair,
Jenny Nguyen, and Kadence Fernatt.

students at HLH included (from left) Jenny Nguyen, Sydney Blewett, Claire Glover, Eva Brown,
Addisyn St. Clair, and Kadence Fernatt.
The readers either brought their selections with them or picked from books made available at the
school, including many Dr. Seuss books.
The guests read to Pre-K through fifth grade students for about 15 minutes each and willingly
answered questions the students had about their books or about themselves. For instance,
kindergartners gathered around a rocking chair to hear Sydney Blewett and learned that she is
not only an athlete at William Byrd but a graduating senior planning to study nursing – although
she was so personable that “teacher” could easily be another career path.

students at HLH.

Lion Tim Greenway, who represents the Vinton District on the Roanoke County School Board,
was able to read to not just one, but three of his grandsons who attend Herman L. Horn.

grandson Avery on Read Across America Day at HLH.
Read Across America Day at HLH was coordinated by Reading Specialist Dorr Booan.