By Sports Editor Brian Hoffman

Well, it’s now day 64 AG. That’s “After Gobert,” the date when Rudy of the Jazz was found to have the virus. That’s over two months sports fans!! It was March 12 when all sports as we know it came to a halt.
I haven’t gone two months without watching live, or at least live on TV, football, baseball or basketball since the ‘50s. Here’s the kind of stuff that goes through my mind as I sit on the porch and wait for the virus to just go away, like President Trump tells us it will.
Can anyone tell me why the names on the back of the Korean uniforms are in Korean and the name of the team on the front is in English?
Check it out. All the names on the backs of the uniforms are in the Korean alphabet, or whatever you call those symbols. But on the front, you have Bears, Twins, Dinos, etc. I figure the symbols should be on the front as well.
Also, did you ever see so many advertisements? In the game I was watching the other day the Samsung Lions team had advertisements on the sides of their batting helmets. How would that go over in the United States?
In that same game I noticed the Samsung team had caps that had adjustable backs while the NC Dinos did not. When is the last time you saw a professional baseball team with hats that had those adjustable plastic straps with holes and balls? Nothing against them, I have many, but I never saw a professional team wearing them.
And another thing, if you’ve watched any of the games you know they’ve been putting cutouts of fans in the seats. It was reported that you can buy a cutout of yourself to have put in the stands. Talk about selling ice cubes to Eskimos! Some fools are buying seats for a game they’re not allowed to attend.
As if that’s not bad enough, the Korean games have cheerleaders dancing on top of the dugouts, apparently trying to get the cutout figures to cheer. The cheerleaders are wearing masks, so I’m not sure if the cardboard fans can’t understand what they’re saying or that cardboard cutouts can’t cheer.
I’ve never made it to the seventh inning of one of these games. Do they expect the cutouts to stand up for the seventh inning stretch? They could bring out a cutout of the late Harry Caray, the famous Cubs broadcaster, and play his rendition of “Take me out to the Ballgame.” Of course, in that part of the world you might want to be careful where you say “Harakiri.”
Just a couple observations while I wait for Major League games to return, and it can’t be soon enough.
I saw a sign the other day promoting Trish White-Boyd for Roanoke City Council. The first thing that came to my mind was, “Play that funky music, White-Boyd.”