Israel Hairston, a 2024 graduate of William Byrd High School, has added the prestigious B’nai
B’rith Athletic and Achievement Award for 2024 to his lengthy list of accomplishments and

Award. He is pictured with WBHS Assistant Principal (and soon to be principal) Travis
Anderson. (photo courtesy of Tammy Newcombl)
The B’nai B’rith award is sponsored by the Roanoke Jewish Federation and recognizes
exceptional young individuals who excel in athletics, academics, and citizenship. This award is
based on athletic success (50%), academic success (30%), and community service (20%).
Established in 1951, the B’nai B’rith Awards recognize and honor student athletes, both men and
women, for their scholastic success, good citizenship, and character, as demonstrated by their
extracurricular commitment to community service. At first, the award went to a male student
who excelled in school, athletics, and service. In 1976, the organization began recognizing
female high school students as well. The faculty at each high school in the Roanoke and New
River valleys nominates two students for the award, and a committee selects the winners.
Thirty-seven outstanding student athletes from 19 area schools were nominated for these awards
which were presented at a banquet at the Hotel Roanoke on June 10.
Two top awards are presented to one male and one female athlete. Simone’ Hamlar from
Northside High School was this year’s female winner. Alex Caywood of Faith Christian School
was awarded the Artie Levin Personal Life Award which is given to a student who makes a
positive impact on those around them and in the community.
Hairston was a multi-sport athlete at William Byrd—football, basketball, baseball, and track. On
May 22, he signed a letter of commitment as a “preferred walk-on” in the Virginia Tech Hokies
football program and as an engineering student.
He was also one of the valedictorians in the Class of 2024. He was named Class 3 VHSL Scholar
Athlete of the Year—a first in William Byrd history.
He was not only outstanding in sports at WBHS. He was named by the faculty at Byrd as “Best
All-Around Male” in the Class of 2024. He was chosen by the staff and his peers as
Homecoming King last fall. He is a Beta Club member, active in his church, and a volunteer with
many community organizations, including rec league sports.
“There’s a lot of people that went into this, helping me with my time management skills and
helping me with my academic load,” Hairston said. “A ton of people instilled the right thoughts
in me to keep going, keep my grades up, especially my parents. They drove that into me and my
brother, to maintain the highest grade you possibly can. That’s what went into this.”
Hairston’s parents are Christopher and Keevie Hairston.

Emma Kageals from William Byrd was also nominated for the B’nai B’rith award by the