Vinton schools recognize retirees
Several faculty and staff members are retiring from Vinton area schools this year. William Byrd High School counts three who...
Several faculty and staff members are retiring from Vinton area schools this year. William Byrd High School counts three who...
Officer Jeremy Shrewsbury was named the Vinton Police Officer of the Month for May. Officer Jeremy Shrewsbury was named Vinton...
Valedictorians who were speakers at the Class of 2017 graduation ceremony included (from left): front, Top Terrier Stephen Olsen, SCA...
Jason Peters has won the Republican Primary for the Vinton seat on the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. He will...
The season's first Mingle at the Market concert was a huge success. One popular addition was the SnapLock portable...
Piano and voice students from the Susan Lewis Music Studio performed in the 2017 Spring Recital on June 10. They...
The Sanctuary Choir from Thrasher Memorial United Methodist Church in Vinton performed "Psalm 23: A Journey with the Shepherd," at...
The Vinton Woman's Club installed new officers at their annual Installation/Scholarship Banquet on May 30. Shown left to right...
The William Byrd Middle School and High School jazz bands performed at their annual Jazz and Pasta Dinner fundraiser...
William Byrd senior Jeremy Slater is returning on June 15 from a year of studying abroad in Macedonia. He received...
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