The Haymaker Town Express will be playing at the VFW Hall on Lee Avenue in downtown Vinton on Friday, March 10, from 7 to 10 p.m.
The Roanoke Valley Ramblers will be featured on Friday, March 24. Admission is $5 for the VFW events. Hot dogs, sides, and desserts are on sale, along with door prizes and a cake walk.
There is a fifth Friday in March this year, so Witcher Creek will be performing on March 31.
The Roanoke Valley Fiddle and Banjo Club meets on the first Saturday night each month at the Woodmen of the World Building on Peters Creek Road in Roanoke. Performances get underway on March 4 at 5:30 with an open mic (everyone is welcome), followed by Flaky Biscuits at 6, the Southern Gentleman at 6:55, and the Bluegrass Inspirations at 8:05.
Adult admission for the monthly Roanoke Valley Fiddle and Banjo Club events is a $7 donation at the door with children ages 15 and under free.