The GFWC Woman’s Club of Vinton and the Vinton Police Department partnered to plant their
annual blue and silver pinwheel garden at the Municipal Building on April 2 to promote National
Child Abuse Prevention Month. They were assisted by members of Vinton Town Council and
town employees. Similar gardens are being planted all across the nation this month.
Club member Kathryn Sowers made a presentation at the council meeting later that evening on
the issue of child abuse.

the GFWC Woman’s Club of Vinton, the Vinton Police Dept., town council, and town
employees gathered at the Municipal Building on April 2 to plant the annual pinwheel garden to
raise awareness of child abuse. (photos by Debbie Adams)
“Prevention remains the best defense for our children and families,” she said. “The General
Federation of Women’s Clubs is celebrating 134 years of service and volunteering. In all 50
states and more than 23 international clubs in 13 countries, our members work locally to create
changes. Every year, clubwomen raise awareness of child abuse and promote healthy childhoods
by planting pinwheel gardens. Prevent Child Abuse introduced the pinwheel in 2008 as the
official symbol of great childhoods.
“In 2023, there were 122,806 suspected child abuse cases reported to child welfare centers by
police–a 6.1% increase from the previous year. A report of child abuse is made every 10
seconds and neglect is the Number one form of abuse.”
Vinton Town Council issued a proclamation declaring April as National Child Abuse Prevention
Month in Vinton because, “Our children are our most valuable resource and will shape the future
of the Vinton community.”