The Vinton Area Chamber of Commerce sponsored the annual Fall Festival on Saturday, October 14, in downtown Vinton. The weather started out iffy but by late morning the sun came out and so did the crowds. The festival once again showcased the best of Vinton and areas close by.
The Vinton Breakfast Lions Club served pancakes at the club’s annual fundraiser at the VFW Hall.
Pollard Street and Lee Avenue were lined with food and craft vendors. The Regional Center for Animal Care and Protection debuted its new mobile unit with pet adoptions at the Vinton Library.
The Vinton Baptist parking lot was the scene of children’s activities and traffic safety activities sponsored by the Vinton Police Department, with simulators for drunk, drugged, and tired driving.
There was a Cruise-In Car Show on Maple Street. The Vinton History Museum hosted an open house. There was as petting zoo at the Farmers’ Market.
Republican candidates for the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, the Roanoke County School Board, and the Virginia House of Delegate seats– Jason Peters, Phil North, Tim Greenway, and Chris Head– were out visiting with potential voters.
The Farmers’ Market Stage on Lee Avenue showcased many local entertainers including a debut performance by the Perry Crawford Band, followed by the Floyd Ward Dance Ensemble, the FAME cheerleaders, performer Jon Weems, the Thrasher Memorial Sanctuary Choir, and the band Exalted.
The annual Doggie Costume Contest, sponsored by Parkway Veterinary, attracted a crowd and quite a few contestants again this year. The entries were judged by Councilman Keith Liles, Field of Dreams owner Karen Hough, and Vinton Chiropractor Dr. Teass with awards given for Best Trick, Best Costume, and Best in Show.
The Vinton Municipal Building Stage featured the Virginia Bluebells baton group, the Shaolin Martial Arts Academy, Derailed Band, Will I Am and Will I Is, and gospel singer Joe Overfelt.
Eight students from the Susan Lewis Music Studio performed, including the debut of 4-year-old Nolan Ferguson singing acapella, 5-year-old Ryleigh Woolwine dressed as Shirley Temple and in curls, performing “On the Good Ship Lollipop,” McKinley FiGart singing “In Summer” from “Frozen,” and Latriva Pierce performing “Colors of the Wind” from “Pocahontas.”
Other Susan Lewis students were Emily Wheeler, with her ukulele, performing “Riptide” and “Dream a Little Dream of Me,” and Bayla Kessler dedicating her performance of the Elvis classic, “Can’t Help Falling in Love” to her parents who played the song at their wedding, and are now celebrating their 25th anniversary.
Eva Pierce sang the classical “O Mio Babbino Caro” and “Danza, danza, fanciulla gentile.” Sarah Christensen rounded out the program with “Popular” from “Wicked” and “Pulled” from “The Addams Family.”
Lewis teaches has been teaching vocals and piano in the area for about 25 years and has over 40 students
The festival concluded with a Mingle at the Market concert, featuring Hott Sauce on the Market Stage in the evening.
Sponsors for the Vinton Fall Festival included the Town of Vinton, Roanoke County, Freedom First, BB&T, HomeTrust Bank, the Vinton Moose Lodge, Magnets USA, Grand Rental Storage, GCR Tires and Service, Cox Business, BNC Bank, Berkshire Health Care, Cardinal IG, Vertex, Lotz, PFG, Twin Creeks Brewing Company, The Vinton Messenger, Member One, AEP, and Winter Storage.
Justin Davison, president of the Vinton Area Chamber of Commerce, commented, “With amazing weather, we had great vendors out in the streets of downtown Vinton. I loved the wide range of vendors we had come out for this Fall Festival and all the folks who filled the streets, enjoying it. The stages at the Farmers’ Market and the Municipal Building spotlighted some great local talent. I enjoyed it a lot and am already looking forward to next year’s festival.”