Vinton celebrates the coming of autumn each October with the annual Fall Festival.
This year’s event, once again sponsored by the Vinton Area Chamber of Commerce, is scheduled for Saturday, October 13, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in downtown Vinton.
According to Chamber Executive Director Angie Chewning, “The Vinton Fall Festival is a tradition in Vinton– streets lined with over 100 craft and food vendors, entertainment on two stages, children’s activities, a petting zoo, and much, much more! With attendance reaching 10,000 it’s a don’t-want-to-miss event.”
Activities get underway at 7 a.m. with the traditional pancake breakfast fundraiser sponsored by the Vinton Breakfast Lions Club. They will be serving all-you-can-eat pancakes, sausage, and beverages (coffee and juice) until 11 a.m. at the VFW Hall on Lee Avenue. This year’s breakfast has the added attraction of a silent cake auction, with cakes contributed by acclaimed local bakers like Mildred Scott and Debbie Turner.
The Vinton History Museum will be hosting an open house from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Visitors are invited to stop by and tour the museum and view its many artifacts from Vinton and the surrounding area.
Activities and vendors will be located at the Vinton Farmers’ Market, along the streets of downtown Vinton, at the Municipal Building, and in the parking lot at Vinton Baptist Church.
The Vinton Farmers’ Market Stage on Lee Avenue will showcase:
- The Perry Crawford Band (rock and blues) from 10-11 a.m.
- The Floyd Ward Dance Ensemble from 11 a.m. until noon
- The always popular Doggie Costume Contest (by Parkway Veterinary Clinic) from 12 until 12:30 p.m.
- Vocal students from the Susan Lewis Studio from 12:30 until 1:30 p.m., including Nolan Ferguson, McKinley FiGart, Riley Spradlin, Latriva Pierce, Maggie Rusinak, Kim Hoyle, Bayla Kessler, and Caleb Myer
- Fame Cheerleading from 1:30 until 2
- Parkway House of Prayer Worship Band from 2:15 until 3:15 p.m.
The Vinton Municipal Building Stage across Pollard Street from the Vinton Public Library will feature:
- A Lancerlot Sports Complex demonstration from 10:30 until 11 a.m.
- The Virginia Bluebells Baton group from 11: until 11:30
- Super Kicks Karate, demo and interactive, from 11:30 until noon
- Vinton Baptist Church Choirs from 12 p.m. until 1
- Germaine Fletcher, variety music, from 1 until 1:30
- Performance excerpts from The Wizard of Oz by the Roanoke County Center for the Performing Arts 1:30 until 2 p.m.
- Mo and Cathy (inspirational) from 2 to 3 p.m.
The Vinton Police Drunk Driving Simulator will be located at Vinton Baptist, along with children’s bouncy houses. The children’s petting zoo and cow milking can be found at the Farmers’ Market.
Craft vendors include LM Finds, Missy’s Gifts, Ann’s Apple Butter, Jewelry by Susan, Dean’s Designs, Wendy’s Jewels by Design, Suzanne Bell, Stitch ‘N Sew, Frances Garrett, Lilla Rose, Pepper Head Products, the Bath Shop, Experience Life Crafts, Sparkle Girls, Scentsy by Debi, Scentsy, Boulder Designs by Blue Ridge, Justin Miller, Witchy Creations, PA’s Ceramics, Angie’s Wooden It Be Lovely, Sealife Creations, Peggy’s Ceramics, Alyssa & Bailey, Pampered Chief & Traveling Vineyard, Creative Beaded Expressions, Conner Creations, LuLaRoe, Magpiper Metal Works custom jewelry, Rustic Creations, 1 Color Street, Pearling It Up in the City, and Paparazzi Accessories.
Health and safety vendors represented include Gutter Genius of Vinton, Excel Martial Arts, the Vinton Police Department, Bath Fitter, RTPA (Roanoke Academy), Super Kicks Karate, and United Health Care.
Other booths represent Gideons International, the Roanoke County Republican Committee, the GFWC Woman’s Club of Vinton, Lake Drive Church of Christ, Revelation Music Ministries, Lotz Funeral Home, AARP, Vinton Baptist Church, Thrasher Memorial Methodist (serving S’mores), Valley Star Credit Union, Tuff Shed, Roanoke Valley Libertarians, Home Depot, Creative Occasions, the Virginia Bluebelles Twirl Team, and Tupperware.
Food vendors include Mountain Grille, Duck Donuts, Kona Ice, Chef Claytor’s Dream on a Plate, Master Sergeant BBQ, Christ’s Fellowship Church, and J&R Concession.
The Vinton Fall Festival will conclude with a Mingle at the Market concert, featuring “A Place Called Home” at the Market Stage from 7 to 10 p.m.
The 2018 Vinton Fall Festival sponsors are the Town of Vinton, Roanoke County, Vinton Roofing, Carilion Clinic, Pinnacle Financial Partners, Magnets USA, Cox Business, PFG, Lotz Funeral Home, GCR Tire Centers, Grand Rental Storage, Vertex, Berkshire Health & Rehab, tBank of Botetourt, BB& T Bank, Twin Creeks Brewing Company, Food Lion, The Vinton Messenger, Boxtree/Braeloch, Winter Storage, and Lindsey McCarty Photography.
Sponsors of individual special events include Parkway Veterinary Hospital with the Doggie Costume Contest; the Town of Vinton Police with the Drunk Driving Simulator, the cow milking activity by Food Lion, the Petting Zoo by GCR Tires, and the Vinton Breakfast Lions Pancake Breakfast.
More information is available online at www.vintonchamber.com or by calling 343-1364