By Debbie Adams
The Vinton Breakfast Lions Club met at the Bonsack Walmart early on Nov. 15 for the annual
Christmas Shopping Trip for local elementary school students in need at Herman L. Horn and
W.E. Cundiff Elementary Schools. Children are recommended by the guidance staff and
administration at their schools.
This year the chosen students were once again able to participate in the shopping trip. During the
Covid years, the Lions have been shopping on their own – not nearly as much fun as having the
children along to pick out items themselves.
Several members of the Vinton Police Dept. and the William Byrd High School Leo Club went
along to assist with the project. The Leos are sponsored by the Vinton Breakfast Lions.
The Lions shopped for a total of 20 students, buying them clothing, shoes, coats and one toy,
spending about $125 per child. The club receives lists of clothing sizes for the children before
the shopping trip.
Walmart employees moved the process along at two cash registers set aside for checkout for the
Lions. Lions Hal Mabe and Jeff Mason loaded the gifts in bags labeled for each child into trucks. Members will wrap the gifts and then deliver them to the two schools in time for the holidays.
The Lions Club raises money for community service projects such as this with their annual
pancake breakfast on Vinton Fall Festival Day, their traditional spaghetti dinner on the evening
of the Vinton Christmas Parade and their annual drawdown.
This year the Breakfast Lions will be hosting their spaghetti dinner fundraiser on Nov. 30 at the
VFW located at 117 East Lee Avenue in downtown Vinton.
The hours are 4 to 7 p.m. Tickets are $10, available at the door or in advance from Breakfast
Lions Club members. The menu includes “All You Can Eat” spaghetti with meat sauce, salad,
rolls, and coffee or tea. Take-out is available.