Thrasher Preschool and Berkshire Health and Rehabilitation Center partnered for an art exhibit held on February 2 at the Berkshire facility on Clearview Drive in Vinton.
The preschool students, ages 3-5, spent one morning in January creating a variety of Valentine-themed art projects, which were then mounted and put on display at Berkshire for their families, the Vinton community, and Berkshire residents to enjoy.
Page Stovall, admissions directgor at Berkshire, said they are focusing on community outreach which will continue with other groups each month, including another preschool at St. Patrick’s Day, and a program teaming up with seniors from the Charles R. Hill Senior Center. This gives the center the opportunity to welcome in visitors to their facility, which has undergone dramatic upgrades in the past two years.
Berkshire residents not only appreciated the art exhibits, but the presence of youngsters in the building. The young artists received a gift bag in thanks from Berkshire at the event.
Amy Hebert is the director of Thrasher Preschool, which is located at Thrasher Memorial United Methodist Church on Washington Avenue in Vinton. Thirty-four students are currently enrolled.
This is the preschool’s 45th year in operation a picnic is planned in May to celebrate the anniversary.
Check out The Vinton Messenger Facebook page for more photos from the preschool art project and exhibit.