The William Byrd football team will be burning the midnight oil this Friday, or at least
the lights at Patterson Stadium. The Terriers will conduct their “Midnight Madness” practice on
Friday night at, of course, midnight.
The players will report at 11 pm on Friday and take the field an hour later for their first
full contact practice. It will go for about an hour and a half, until 1:30 am Saturday, and fans are
invited to attend at no cost.
The Terriers will also be practicing from 3-6:30 pm this week, letting out a little early
Thursday for Freshman Orientation and Friday due to the special Midnight Madness.
The first scrimmage against someone in a different colored uniform will be August 11 when Glenvar
comes to Vinton for a 5 pm start. The Terriers have a benefit game at Rockbridge County on the
18 th and the season opens August 25 at home against Liberty.