The annual Bob McLelland Metro Golf Tournament was scheduled to tee off Wednesday at the Hunting Hills Country Club. The two-day event will move to Blue Hills today for an 11:30 am start.
The William Byrd team will be involved in the 12 team tournament. Blacksburg is the favorite as the Bruins were the Group 3A state champion last year and have their entire lineup returning. Hidden Valley also has a strong team and Franklin County figures to finish high.
Byrd opened the season last week with the first two rounds of the Blue Ridge District season tournament. Lord Botetourt won both rounds, at the Botetourt Golf & Swim Club on Wednesday and at Ole Monterey on Thursday. The Terriers were fourth at BG&S, hosted by LB, and third at Ole Monterey, hosted by William Fleming.
Sophomore Bryce Corkery of Byrd is the BRD points leader after two rounds. Bryce shot a 72 at Botetourt to finish two strokes behind medalist Brett Bennington of LB, but he was the medalist at Ole Montery with a 73 to take over the district points lead.
The team score for Byrd at the Botetourt Golf & Swim Club was 355. LB won the round at 314, followed by Staunton River at 334 and Northside at 352. William Fleming had 424.
After Corkery, Byrd’s best score at Botetourt was a 91 by Beem Sareekum. Other scorers were Gavin Mullen at 94 and Grayson Nunley at 98.
At Ole Monterey LB won with 309 and Staunton River had 320. Byrd was next at 346 with Northside at 360 and Fleming at 436.
Sareekum was second again for Byrd at 89. Mullen had 91 and Nunley had 93.
The next Blue Ridge District match is scheduled for Monday at Hanging Rock, hosted by Northside.