Local Boy Scout Troops and Cub Scout Packs once again honored military veterans by placing American flags on their graves at Mountain View Cemetery in observance of Memorial Day.
Scouts, their leaders, and their families from Packs and Troops 235 and 18 in Vinton, Pack 30 and Troop 540 from Moneta, and Pack and Troop 5 from Huntington Court scattered out across the cemetery on May 21 searching for markers which indicated that the individual buried there had served in a branch of the United States Armed Forces. While newer grave markers generally indicate who is a veteran, many of the older graves do not.
Placing flags for Veterans Day and Memorial Day has become a tradition for the local Scouts in the Great Valley District. On this occasion they planted approximately 1,000 flags.

Some of the local Scouts will also be participating in a flag retirement ceremony in Salem at the Veterans Center on May 24.
Pack 235 Cub Master Ryan Apple was recognized at the flag event with a “District Award of Merit” from the Great Valley District Blue Ridge Mountains Council of the Boy Scouts of America for his “outstanding service to youth.” The award was presented at Mountain View by Butch Johnstone, the Great Valley District Committee Advancement Chairman.
Apple was chosen for the District Award as a “very dedicated Scouter for the Great Valley District. He has been and continues to be an inspiration and wonderful example for the Cub Scouts, the pack leaders, the parents and friends of the pack, and church.

“In addition to his service as Cub Master, for the last four years Ryan has volunteered to serve as the Great Valley District Cub Scout Day Camp Director,” said Johnstone. “Anyone who has worked with this wonderful program knows Ryan’s hard work and attention to detail make this camp possible. Ryan’s devotion and leadership makes this annual experience for the District’s Cub Scouts a wonderful time for the youth and adults alike. He inspires many people to help with the camp and works to secure the resources to make this event so successful every year.”