Vinton Girl Scout Troop 94 held its third annual Father-Daughter Dance on January 27 in the fellowship hall at Thrasher Memorial United Methodist Church.
The girls were dressed in their party finery for the occasion– a chance for dads, step-dads, granddads, and other father figures to spend quality time with the special young ladies in their lives. There were some mothers, grandmothers, and siblings on hand as well.
The event was open to the community at large, with many non-Scouts in attendance. As always it was a memorable and poignant occasion.
The Father-Daughter Dance is a Girl Scout tradition. Scouts can even earn a badge for participating.
DJ Scott Giles kept the music playing with a great play list.
Anna Black coordinated and decorated for this year’s dance. The fellowship hall was festively decorated, including a cupcake bar where guests could decorate their desserts. There was a craft station for making Valentines, in addition to a photo booth to commemorate the occasion.
The troop has grown from just a handful of girls when it was formed in September 2013 to 20 active members currently, accepting girls ranging in age from Pearl (Pre-K-kindergarten) to Ambassadors in high school.
Stefanie Hawkins is the Scout and Brownie leader. Joe Black serves as co-leader and Junior leader. Fawn Reed leads the Daisy girls, while Jackie McFalls serves as Cadette leader and bookkeeper. Gioia Nicely is treasurer for Troop 94, which meets at Thrasher Memorial each week.
The always popular and highly anticipated annual Girl Scout Cookie Sale is under way. Troop 94 will be selling cookies at Sam’s Club on February 3 from 2:30 to 6:30. They will be at the Vinton Kroger on February 4 from 1 to 5 p.m., on February 17 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., and on March 3 from 10 to 2.
On February 24, the troop will set up the cookie stand at the Bonsack Kroger from 1:30 to 5:30.
Cookie sales continue through March 31.