Vinton Cub Scout Pack 235 joined with Boy Scout Troop 235 to celebrate the “crossing over” of Cub Scout Webelos Carson Bivens and Jhorden Sink to the Boy Scouts in an Arrow of Light and Crossover Ceremony on March 23. The ceremony was held in the Scout Building at Thrasher Memorial United Methodist Church.
The Arrow of Light is the highest award in Cub Scouting and signifies that a young man has completed all the requirements for the Boy Scout Badge and will cross over to Boy Scouting in the coming school year.
As part of the ceremony, Bivens and Sink were presented with an arrow honoring their hard work and then walked across a symbolic wooden bridge where they were greeted by members and leaders of Boy Scout Troop 235, who presented them their Boy Scout shoulder loops. They both signed the bridge to commemorate the occasion and their transition from Cub Scout to Boy Scout.
The ceremony was led by Cubmaster Ryan Apple, who has worked with the boys for several years, shepherding them on their journey through Scouting. He was assisted by Scout leaders Greg Pino and Greg Leslie.
In past years the Crossover Ceremony was held during the annual Blue and Gold Awards Banquet, but this year Apple said the leaders decided to give the boys their own separate night of recognition. Apple recalled his own ceremony in 1987 when he received the Arrow of Light award and then went on to become an Eagle Scout.
The ceremony opened with the Scout Oath and Scout Law and continued with the lighting of varied color candles representing different lessons learned in Scouting. Webelos Den Leader Janette Sink escorted Bevins and Sink to the front for the ceremony.
“As Bobcats you learned the Scout Oath, Law, and Salute,” said Apple. “As Tiger Cubs you learned to play games and have fun with your fellow Tiger Cubs. As Wolf Scouts you learned about nature and the environment. As a Bear Scout, you learned about skills to go camping and being safe in the outdoors. And as Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts, you have learned what skills you need to become a Boy Scout.”
The young men were asked to promise to “be forever trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.”
The Arrow of Light with its shaft straight and narrow signifies the path that Scouts should follow throughout their lives. “Its tip points the way to success in all that you do,” said Apple. “It is pointing to the right— a symbol that nothing should be left undone; if it is within your power to do it, see that it is done.”
The Scouts in receiving the Arrow of Light were challenged to think of every day as a new day, “a day to do your best in everything— a day to honor your God and country; to do your good turn, a new chance to follow the Scout Law, and to remember these three words, ‘on my honor.’”
“Each boy has blazed his own trail toward the Arrow of Light award, and now the Arrow of Light will help them remember their promise to keep the Spirit of Cub Scouting alive,” said Apple.
The boys promised to set an example for others to follow in their footsteps, to keep their eye on the Eagle, and never waiver.
“I charge each of you to continue to live by the ideals you have learned in Cub Scouts, especially the Cub Scout Motto: ‘Do your best,’” said Apple.
He challenged them to “be a light to those around you,” to do their best every day, to be straight and true in their lives, and to advance “upward to higher challenges, to soar to the great heights of an Eagle.”
Bevins and Sink escorted their mothers to the bridge, signed their names on the wooden platform, and then crossed over alone to be welcomed by the Boy Scouts who presented them with their green epaulets to indicate they are now Boy Scouts. The boys then returned to bring their mothers across and all were welcomed to Troop 235.
Carson Bevins is the son of Trysh Brannan; Jhorden Sink is the son of Janette Sink.