Rosie’s Gaming Emporium has presented a check for $5,000 to Lions Club District 24-C for their fundraiser for the Carilion Pediatric Cancer Center to be built on Reserve Avenue in Roanoke.

Representatives from Carilion and from the Vinton and Salem Lions Clubs were present for the event at Rosie’s in Vinton on June 14. The Lions Club contributions are earmarked for furnishing the third-floor pediatric multi-purpose room at the center.
There are 5o Lions Club in District 24-C. Twenty-one clubs have contributed to the fundraiser so far, along with 19 community organizations (like Rosie’s) and individuals. This is the first time all the Lions Clubs in the district have worked together on such a vast project.
Past District Governor and Vinton Breakfast Lion Eric Mills was instrumental in organizing the group effort. Lion Kay Patrick serves as the District Chairperson of the Pediatric Cancer Committee. At the check presentation ceremony, she thanked Carilion for “bringing this to our hearts.”
The Lions’ goal has been to raise $90,000, including funding from the Lions Of Virginia Foundation, and matching funds in the amount of $90,000 from the Lions Club International Foundation.
The Lions said that they periodically receive “wish lists” from Carilion of needs for the pediatric multi-purpose room.
Patrick says the Lions Club hope to continue their contributions to the pediatric center when it is complete with donations of their time as volunteers. She also mentioned other ways that the Lions serve the needs of children with eye exams, eyeglasses, vision screening—and soon a hearing screening program.
Rosie’s Gaming Emporium has been a dedicated partner with the community since it opened, through monetary gifts and, also, by providing volunteers at, and support for, community events. Their gifts total $100,000 each year.
In recent days, Rosie’s donated $3000 to Lishy’s Gift which is dedicated to improving the lives of young adults in the Roanoke Valley with cancer, $5000 to the D-Day Memorial, and the $5000 to the Lions. On June 19, there will be another check presentation to the Franklin County Humane Society for $5000.