The annual Vinton Relay for Life is traditionally held at William Byrd High School each spring. This year the high school football field and track will be closed for renovations so Relay will instead be held at the Vinton War Memorial on May 5.
“The Town of Vinton has graciously offered us the Vinton War Memorial for that night, May 5, from 5 p.m. to midnight,” announced co-chair Carolyn Williams. “There are many logistics to work out and we will begin that process. Since we used the Vinton War Memorial for a Luminary Ceremony one year due to rain, we already know that the luminaries can line the yard in front of the building. It was beautiful and very visible from Washington Avenue.”
Williams says the Survivor’s Reception will be held inside the War Memorial or under a large tent on the front lawn.
This year the theme for the 2017 Relay for Life comes from Dr. Seuss: “Cancer: Not Here, Not There, Not Anywhere”
Teams and participants can register online at www.relayforlife.org/vintonva to join the 2017 Vinton Relay for Life, which raises funds for cancer research, education, and programs.
More information on the Vinton Relay is also available from Courtney Baker at courtney.baker@cancer.org. She is the Community Manager for the local American Cancer Society Relay for Life.