Valley Wealth Group (VWG), a regional wealth management firm, has announced Tiffany
Rawling as their Chief Operations Officer.

Rawling joined Jaret Mutter, VWG President, as Client Service Director during the firm’s
inception in 2015. She has a wide range of knowledge about the financial services industry and
truly enjoys getting to know the firm’s clients and families. As the firm continued to grow, VWG
benefited from Rawling’s leadership in overseeing day-to-day operations and ever-changing
industry regulations and compliance as well as overall strategic planning of VWG.
Rawling’s professional experience in the financial sector began in 2007 at AXA Advisors and
continued at SunTrust Investment Services. In 2014 she was recruited as part of a team by Valley
Bank to take over their existing investment program.
Rawling is a 1998 graduate of William Byrd High School and a graduate of Roanoke College
where she earned her Bachelor of Business Administration.
“Since the beginning, Tiffany has provided the structural foundation for our firm that has
allowed us to take care of our clients and continue to grow our reach in the Roanoke Valley and
beyond. Her sincere interest and concern for our clients is inspiring. We are fortunate to have her
be a part of our leadership team at VWG,” says Mutter.
Valley Wealth Group is a dynamic wealth management firm specializing in financial and
retirement planning.
Submitted by Valley Wealth Group