Congrats to Harrison Austin, William Byrd grad! He graduated with honors from the University of Manchester of Science in Medial Virology December 14, 2016 and is now in research. He is a Supplement Instructor at E&H Biology Dept. at the Institute of Infection & Global Health University of Liverpool, UK. Seen in the picture with Proud Mom Becky Cregger. Love you, Harrison!

Congrats to Karen Eden Herdman, another WBHS grad making a difference! She has been honored by Action Martial Arts Magazine, 25 Years Lifetime Contributions in Martial Arts Award in Atlantic City. She has done so much, very proud of her. Always great seeing WBHS students on the move. Go Karen!
Congrats & Happy Anniversary to Amy and Will Anderson, 21 years. May you have many more together and this year will be better for all health-wise.
Happy Birthday wishes go out to Tyler Caldwell, John Montgomery, Nicki Rhea, Hillary Dorvin, Lisa Doss, Beth Lynch, Mackenzie Edwards, Robert May, Kayla ‘n Thompson, JoAnn Lonker, Herb Grant, Tina Workman, Jordin Elizabeth, Dana B. Doss, Joy Barnard, Tim Leonard, Grace Neighbors (Berkshire) Kathy W. Bird, Donna Hard, Lenoria Naff, Greg Henderson, Larry Riley, Billy Belcher, Martha Boswell, Brenda Phillip, David Boyes, Conner Dowdy, 10, Tom Roe, Randall Walters, Susan Arrington, Patti W.Miller, Kathy Bird Tucker, Jennifer Wood, Jason Gibson Rita Martin.
Also, Get Well wishes and prayers go out to Claudia Anderson and sister Evelyn has her cast off, Lisa Haldren, Kristel Jenkins Wittensoldner, Marjorie Thomas, Greg Bailey, improving, Marissa Brewer, (still in ICU in Tennessee, been through so much, improving a little), Mark Stegall (knee replacement Tuesday); and Angie Bell Chewning, improving from heel spur removal, now has cabin fever, LOL, since she can’t put weight on her foot, tough going on crutches. Thanks to all that have brought in food for her and cards sent. She hopes to be back ASAP.

Elementary teachers, if you would like to have Miss Virginia Michaela Sigmon visit your classroom and talk about making choices/doing the right thing, just let us know. You can send email to me, BOO_TEE@msn.com, and I’ll pass it on to M.C. Gravely, business manager for Miss Virginia, or go on the Miss Virginia website. Don’t let the kids miss meeting Miss Virginia and learning from her.
The Dogwood Festival is right around the corner. Vendors and parade units needed to sign up ASAP. Check with Mary Beth Layman!
Vinton Relay For Life Needs more teams and people to help. Meetings are Feb. 13, WBHS library; March 13, WBHS library; and Bank Night will be April 10, WBHS library. Please give of your time to help those with cancer. We need to stamp it out! Reay is May 5, 5-12. Check with Angie Chewning at the Chamber office or Carolyn Williams, Co-Chairs. Please come and help!
Donations are needed and welcome for the Vinton History Museum yard sale June 3.