Terrier fans filled the stadium for the first home football game on August 27. The Terriers faced Liberty High School in a hard-fought battle—final score Liberty 33, William Byrd 28.
“At William Byrd High School we are blessed with a large number of parents, students, staff, and community members who continue to fill our stands in support of our players and teams,” said Principal Tammy Newcomb.
Prior to the game, a moment of silence was observed for Bobby Semones, known as “The Voice of Terrier Football” for 25 years. Semones passed away in July.

Military appreciation night continued—a tradition started by Head Coach Brad Lutz—honoring soldiers who gave their lives in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.
At the August 27 game, the team and spectators paid tribute to Army Captain Andrew Ross of Lexington who died on November 27, 2018, at age 29, in Ghazni Province, Afghanistan. He was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group in Fort Bragg, North Carolina and succumbed to wounds from an improvised explosive device while conducting combat operations. He had been married for just nine months at the time of his death. Ross graduated from the U. S. Military Academy at West Point in 2011 and was commissioned as a second lieutenant.
Ross had served over seven years in the Army and was on his second tour of duty. His awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal (2nd award), Purple Heart, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, NATO Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon, National Defense Service Medal, Special Forces Tab, Ranger Tab, Combat Action Badge, Combat Infantry Badge, and Military Free Fall Parachutist Badge. Ross was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star Medal, Purple Heart, Meritorious Service Medal, and the Combat Infantry Badge. He was buried with honors at Arlington Cemetery.

The William Byrd Marching Terriers premiered their half-time show: “Escape from the Mind.” The student Dog Pound and Terrier Cheerleaders kept spirits up throughout the game.