Balloon Lady Donna Pruett entertained a crowd of about 140 children and adults at the Vinton Public Library on July 17. This was her first visit since the new library was built. She visited the old library more than once with her balloon sculpture show.
She has been a professional balloon artist for almost 30 years. Her latest visit to Vinton was part of the library’s Summer Reading Program. Her theme this year was “Building a Better World.” She twisted and sculpted balloons into the sun, flowers, fish, a broom, a huge octopus, and an even bigger dinosaur.
She even performed a magic trick which made the audience gasp, by making flames dance across the pages of a book she was holding.
Pruett now lives in North Carolina, but came originally from Australia.
Next up at the library is Professor Whizzpop and his magic show for all ages on July 28 at 2:30 p.m. Information on all library programs is available at www.yourlibrary.us