Thrasher Preschool and Berkshire Rehab team up for art exhibit
Thrasher Preschool and the Berkshire Health and Rehabilitation Center teamed up for an art show at the facility of...
Thrasher Preschool and the Berkshire Health and Rehabilitation Center teamed up for an art show at the facility of...
Vinton Town Council welcomed Capt. Fabricio Drumond as the new Deputy Police Chief at its meeting on February 7. Drumond...
Joey and Bonnie Hiner, April 2016. Bonnie and Joey Hiner, December 2016. When people question Bonnie Hiner about what...
Debby Grose had a craving for Hostess HoHos and Dr. Pepper– by the truckload. In an article last week we...
William Byrd students Ryan James (center) and Stephen Olsen (right) participated in the annual Roanoke Valley Governor's School for Science...
William Byrd High School graduate Corey Altice (front right) is a member of the third GTO class to graduate from...
This year's Vinton Relay for Life has been relocated to the Vinton War Memorial due to renovations at the...
The Vinton Relay for Life organization kicked-off its 2017 fundraising year with a dinner at William Byrd High School on...
Renovations to the former Roland E. Cook Elementary School in Vinton are progressing. The developers, Old School Partners, LLC, are...
Lydia Verdillo, a Senior Financial Analyst, has been named as Vinton's first Employee of the Year. Mayor Brad Grose presented...
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