The United States celebrated birthday No. 241 on July 4, 2017. Annie Bibb of Vinton celebrated her 103rd birthday that same day.
She was born on July 4, 1914 in Shipman, Va., in Nelson County. She was one of seven children– with three brothers and three sisters– born to Henry and Ruth King. She has surpassed her mother who lived to be 93.
Bibb chose to celebrate her birthday this year quietly with her family. She lives with daughter Frances Hudson and her husband Danny. Luckily, they don’t have to travel far for Fourth of July entertainment, as they live above Vinyard Park where the town’s fireworks are launched each July 4– so they have arguably the best view in town– “at eye level.”
Bibb grew up on a farm in Nelson County; her family raised tobacco as a cash crop to buy the extras in life. She and her husband Linwood married in 1940 and set up housekeeping near his family in Vinton.
Bibb was a homemaker as was the custom of the time, focused on raising her family and serving her church.
She and her husband raised three children– Ernie, Frances and Pete, who still live in the area. Her husband passed away many years ago and she lived independently for two decades, into her 90s, with the support of family and “good neighbors.”
Bibb has six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, scattered around the country, with granddaughter Ginger and great-grandson Ronin living in Seattle.
She has been a member of Thrasher Memorial United Methodist Church for 73 years, joining when the church just consisted of what is today the chapel.
Through the years she helped with kindergarten and Sunday School classes. For many years she was a dedicated member of the Golden Rule Sunday School Class, which is now disbanded. Jae Song, who served as the associate pastor at Thrasher, often visited her and sang hymns, said that Mrs. Bibb is amazingly “sharp” for any age.
Bibb says she now spends more time reminiscing and takes more frequent naps. She enjoys time with a caregiver from At Home Caregivers one day a week, when her daughter gets out to run errands and catch up with friends.
She welcomes receiving cards and visits from friends and church family. We will check back again with her to celebrate birthday No. 104 next July 4.