Debbie Adams, contributing writer and photographer for The Vinton Messenger, has received the Virginia State Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) top media award for 2017-18.
The award for Outstanding Local Media Coverage was announced at the Virginia State DAR Conference in Richmond on March 16.
Adams has been a steadfast supporter of the Roanoke Valley Chapter of the DAR, Regent Sharon Menzies said in the announcement about the award. “Her many articles in The Messenger have highlighted our chapter activities and increased our membership.”
Adams grew up in Wytheville, graduated from George Wythe High School, and graduated from the University of North Carolina with a degree in special education. She then continued her education with a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction from Virginia Tech and taught special education for 34 years.
Adams’ daughter was a Vinton Messenger reporter. When she left the position six and one-half years ago, Debbie Adams began her new career.
In her own words: “The reason I started working for the paper was because I like to stay busy. Once I got started I discovered how much I liked the people in Vinton— the town government, town council was my first assignment, and then I started writing about all the amazing community service clubs and organizations. I like writing for a small paper because, as Alex Haley of ‘Roots’ said, ‘You can look for the good and praise it. You can highlight the uplifting stories and most of the people you meet are positive people who want to make their area of the world a better place.’”